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Аккорды к песне ABBA – Eagle

Просмотров: 1942, Комментариев: 0
 (голосов: 1)

Intro chords: Em Am

They came flyin' from far away, now I'm under their spell
D Em
I love hearing the stories that they tell
They've seen places beyond my
land and they've found new hori zons
Em D Em
They speak strangely but I understand

B7 Em
And I dream I'm an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings

G D Em D
Flyin' high, high, I'm а bird in the sky
Em D Em
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what а feeling to fly
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please


As all good friends we talk all night, and we fly wing to wing
I have questions and they know everything
There's no limit to what I feel, we climb higher and higher
Am I dreamin' or is it all real

Is it true I'm an eagle
Is it true I can spread my wings


And I dream I'm an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings


Here is the main guitar riff/solo that’s played during the Em

E |----------------|-------------------|
B |----------------|-------------------|
G |-9-9----7---9-9-|----9--7-----------|
D |------9---------|----------9--7-----|
A |----------------|-----------------9-|
E |----------------|-------------------|

Here’s the solo played in the middle of the song:

E |-------------------|-----------------------------------------|
B |-------------------|-----------------------------------------|
G |-9-9----7-9-7------|---------------------------------------7-|
D |-----------------9-|-7-7-7-5-7----5--7-7--5-----5-5---7--5-5-|
A |-------------------|--------------7--------------7-----------|
E |-------------------|-----------------------------------------|

E |---------------------------------|
B |---------------------------------|
G |---------------------------------|
D |------5—7(bend up ?)-----7--5--7-|
A |--7------------------------7-----|
E |---------------------------------|

E |-------------------------------------------------------------|
B |-------------------------------------------------------------|
G |-9-9-7-9-7---------------------------------------------------|
D |-----------9-9-7-7-7-5-7--5—7(bend ?)--7--5--7(bend ?)-5-7-5-|
A |--------------------------7---------------7----------7-------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------|
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Дата: 12-02-2013, 22:26, Добавил: Aurondel, Раздел: Иностранные
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