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Аккорды к песне Машина времени - Там, где будет новый день (en)

Просмотров: 659, Комментариев: 0
 (голосов: 0)

Oh, I'm at the edge of the night,
At the end of the rain,
Where the sun starts another day.
I'm watching new flowers grew,
Birds are singing so fare and bright.

I'd rather stay in the light,
Day that come seems so right,
But the night holds it back again.
I'm in the mist of the dawn
Got to get through another night.

Hmm-hmm, It's gonna be another day.
Hmm-hmm, It's gonna be another sunny day!

I pass your [cluments home by],
There's no hope you can find
Is sunshine it took still there?
You spent two years in vain
With no way of staying through the night.

[Know there are people away
And I'm going to stay
With no dog house and time to heal.]
Got to be brought in along
Just to get it to broad day light.

Hmm-hmm, It's gonna be another day.
Hmm-hmm, It's gonna be another sunny day!

Hmm-hmm, It's gonna be another day.
Hmm, oh yeh! It's gonna be another sunny day!

Oh, I'm at the edge of the night,
At the end of the rain,
Where the sun starts another day.
I'm watching new flowers grew,
Birds are singing so fare and bright.

I'd rather stay in the light,
Day that come seems so right,
But the night holds it back again.
I'm in the mist of the dawn
Got to get through another night.

Hmm-hmm, It's gonna be another day.
Hmm, oh yeh! It's gonna be another sunny day!
Another sunny day!
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Дата: 4-10-2014, 22:39, Добавил: Aurondel, Раздел: Машина времени
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