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Аккорды к песне Elton John - Amoreena

Просмотров: 114, Комментариев: 0
 (голосов: 17)

G - F - C/E - G
G - F - C/E - G
D - A/C# - C - G
D - A/C# - C - G

G F6 C/E G
Lately I've been thinking how much I miss my lady
Bm7 Em G7/D C G
Amoreena's in the cornfield brightening the daybreak
G F6 C/E G
Living like a lusty flower, running through the grass for hours
Bm7 Em G7/D C G
Rolling through the hay like a puppy child

D A/C#
And when it rains the rain falls down
Washing out the cattle town
D A/C# C G
And she's far away somewhere in her eiderdown
G#° Esus4 E7
And she dreams of crystal streams
Am C7/G F
Of days gone by when we would lean
Fm7 Fm7/Eb Dsus4 D7
Laughing fit to burst upon each other

I can see you sitting eating apples in the evening
The fruit juice flowing slowly, slowly, slowly
Down the bronze of your body
Living like a lusty flower, running through the grass for hours
Rolling through the hay like a puppy child

And when it rains the rain falls down...

Oh if only I could nestle in the cradle of your cabin
My arms around your shoulders the windows wide and open
While the swallow and the sycamore are playing in the valley
Oh I miss you Amoreena like a king bee misses honey

And when it rains the rain falls down...

And when it rains the rain falls down...

G - F - C/E - G
G - F - C/E - G
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Дата: 6-10-2016, 20:36, Добавил: Aurondel, Раздел: Иностранные
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