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Аккорды к песне Jethro Tull - This Free Will

Просмотров: 93, Комментариев: 0
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b|----------------------------------| (Repeat the
g|----------------------------------| whole
d|-7--8-7-5-7--8-7-10-8-7--8-7-5----| thing twice)

Here's the lyrics.

She peeled from a stretch black snake
which slipped up from the hotel door.
Darting looks from piercing eyes -
The stir of memory and then no more.
Well, you know how I have to believe -
She can almost remember my name.

It's been a long time coming, babe -
Long time loose amongst foreign hills -
Shaking my faith in this free will.

Years ago in a coastal town,
mosquitoes buzzed in her hair.
Schooldress torn and bare feet brown -
Then the rains came and she wasn't there.
You're closing your doors on me
when you had almost remembered my name.

It's been a long time coming, babe -
Long time loose amongst foreign hills -
Shaking my faith in this free will.

Sharp points in an ink-black sky -
Faint words collide, then are lost.
I'll follow you beneath this dome -
Win you back at any cost.
I know we were children then,
but you can almost remember me name.

It's been a long time coming, babe -
Long time loss amongst foreign hills -
Well, let's be children, still -
Don't shake my faith in this free will.

Don't shake my faith in this free will.

With those lyrics I have just wasted
all your printer ink. Sorry, but I had to put
them on this.
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Дата: 14-09-2016, 12:00, Добавил: Aurondel, Раздел: Иностранные
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