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Аккорды к песне King Crimson - Cadence And Cascade (2 вариант)

Просмотров: 132, Комментариев: 0
 (голосов: 0)

a: (instrumental)
b: Cadence and cascade Kept a man named Jade;
c: Cool in the shade While his au-dience played.
d: Sliding mystified On the wine of the tide
e: Stared pale-eyed As his veil fell aside.

|1: |2: |
|---9---7---5---|---------| [do one time as intro, second &
|--------------.|--2-----.| third times are first verse, then
|---9---8---6---|----2----| cut to chorus]


a: Purred, whispered, Rspend us tooS ⁄ 1st
b: We only serve for you...S / chorus
c: Sad paper courtesan ⁄ 2nd
d: They found him just a man / chorus
|1: |2:


|2 (cont'd):
|-9-8-6--------| (Now go back to verse, alternating picking
|--------------| order on arpeggios, etc. Listen to the
|--------------| recording for the exact order)
|------------- |

[then, without playing the verse ending, play the bridge as chords (mostly) in
this order:]

[use these chords]
F#min7 Amin7 Emin7 Amaj7
__2__ __0__ __0__ __0__
__2__ __1__ __3__ __2__
__2__ __0__ __3__ __1__
__2__ __2__ __0__ __2__
__4__ __0__ __2__ __0__
__2__ __0__ __0__ _____

F#m7 (or Amj7) Am7 Em7 Am7
Caravan hotel where the sequin spell fell, Custom of the game

F#m7 Am7 Em7
Cadence oiled in love lied hand, Cascade

(see below)
kissed his name.

[arpeggiate Amaj7 on first ending, then for 2nd ending:]

|--1--------| [do verse one more time (instrumental) and cut
|----0------| into a final, lyrical chorus:

Sad paper courtesan
They knew him just a man.
[fade out with improvised (lots of flute, piano going on) guitar in F#min &
G#minor (I think)]

[That's it, hope you enjoy. I've been looking for a TAB for this song for
awhile, I finally had to do it myself]
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Дата: 11-09-2016, 13:41, Добавил: Aurondel, Раздел: Иностранные
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