Now, right after that last 5-5 power chord, there`s a little piece that I can`t figure out. It leads to this fast part, tight with the drums:
e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-(2)/32^0-(2)/32-0-(2)/53-0-(right here I usually play some) D|-(2)/32^0-(2)/32-0-(2)/53-0-(fast 0-0 "fills"; 3 or 4, drums) A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------|
Repeat several times.
I`m not sure what the standard nomenclature is, but here is what I meant:
(X)/Y : Start slide at X fret, slide up to Y fret. X^Y : Pull slide off strings. X~ : Hold and "wiggle" slide for a tremolo effect.
This is my first tab, so please refrain from flaming, although corrections are more than welcome. At the very least, your friends will recognize this tune. I recommend listening to the song, of course. Have fun!