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Аккорды к песне Limp Bizkit - 9 Teen 90 Nine

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Intro Riff A

D|--------------------------|-----------------------(3)-Power chord the second-|
A|--------------------------|---------------------1-(3)-ending after a couple--|
E|-000000--0--0-0--0-0--x3--|-0-0-3-2-1-0-0-0-3-2---(1)-of repeats.------------|

Riff A also used during " So lets make something out of it" part.

Rhythm Figure. (played during the verses)

"Fame..................but this stage........." part.

An E5 (011XXX) chord is played during the "we see good things change
and good things go away" part.

Here comes the climax of the song.

G|-9-9-9-9-10-10-9------------------------| X4
"Bring it on" part.


"You wanna be down with the G shock, f*ck the glam rock" part.
And, "dont stop!, its 1999!" part.

Lyrics to 9 teen 90 nine:


So lets make something out of it, this way we can all relate,
world wide, we collide, this is how we communicate.
So lets make something out of it, whoever thought we wuold see the day,
I cant believe we did it, so lets drift away.


No use in dreadin', what they call Armageddon.
I think we made it through the slump.
But who really cares where we're headin,
cause now you mother f***ers got a reason to jump!

Verse 1 :

Fame, you're claiming is the top of the world,
but this stage, I'm claiming is the top of the world.
Love, I'm feeling when you people connect.
And if you're out in the crowd, you're getting more than respect.
And if you're wondering, I got plenty of flows,
I'm makin plenty of friends, and many are foes,
But as the audience grows, security knows, stoppin me know is kind of serious.

Verse 2 :

Hate, a feeling I don't really get, Hate, can get you in some serious s***.
Time, is something that may change me, but I cant change time, so f*** it.
I've been stumbling through these thoughts and
I bought, the fact, that i could be delirious.
But as the audience grows, security knows, stoppin me now is kind of serious.

Intro to climax:

Hey, Hey, we see good things change and good things go away.
We see good things waste and we taste the pain.
What we need is a place to escape from today,
What we need is a place to escape from today.


Bring it on!

You wanna be down with the G-Shock,
f*** the glam rock, assed out like Ken Shamrock
M.C.'s detest me want to chest to chest me, But I aint all about that!
You gotta be down with the G-Shock,
f*** the glam rock, assed out like Ken Shamrock
M.C.'s detest me, want to chest to chest me, but you dont want none of that!

Where we at?

Dont stop! Its nine teen ninety nine.
Dont stop! Its nine teen ninety nine, baby.
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Дата: 2-08-2016, 10:48, Добавил: Aurondel, Раздел: Иностранные
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