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Аккорды к песне Rolling Stones - Salt Of The Earth

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E B E A E (repeat)

lets drink to the hard working people

lets drink to the lowly of birth

raise your glass to the good and the evil

lets drink to the salt of the earth

(mick sings the rest)

say a prayer for the common foot soldier

spare a thought for his back breaking work

say a prayer for his wife and his children

who burn the fires and who still till the earth

(E A) (E A) (E A) ( E) ( E)

C#m G#m (repeat)

and when i search a faceless crowd

a swirling mass of gray and


black and white


they don`t look real to me

A B(7)

in fact, they look so strange

( B(7))

raise your glass to the hard working people

lets drink to the uncounted heads

lets think of the wandering millions

who need leaders but get gamblers instead

spare a thought for the stay at home voter

his empty eyes gaze at strange beauty shows

and a parade of the gray suited grafters

a choice of cancer or polio

and when i...

lets drink to the hard working people

lets think of the lowly of birth

spare a thought for the rag taggy people

lets drink to the salt of the earth

lets drink to the hard working people

lets drink to the salt of the earth

lets think of the two thousand million

lets think of the humble of birth
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Дата: 10-05-2016, 22:51, Добавил: Aurondel, Раздел: Иностранные
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