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Аккорды к песне Oasis - Round Our Way

Просмотров: 226, Комментариев: 0
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G F C9
1) The paperboy is working before he goes,
G F C9
Lying to the teacher he knows he knows,
He didn't and he should've,
F C9 G
Brought his lines in yesterday.

2) Ernie bangs the sound and the day begins,
The letter box is open and your cash falls in,
I'll meet you at the office,
Just before the staff clock in.

D7 G
Round are way the birds are singing,
D7 G
Round are way, the sun shines bright,
D7 C9
Round are way, the birds sing for yer,
Cos they already know yer,
Gm/Bb , Am , G
They already know yer.

Intro (Chords as verses)

3) The game is kicking off in around the park,
Its twenty five aside and before its dark,
Theres gonna be a loser,
And you know the next goal wins.

4) Cab it to the front, as it's called a draw,
Everybodys knocking on yours once more,
Ernie bangs the sound,
And no-ones spoken since half past four.


Instro (Chords as verses)
D7 G
Round are way the birds are singing
D7 G
Round are way the sun shines bright
D7 G
Round are way the birds are minging
D7 G
Round are way its alright
D7 C9
Round are way the birds sing for yer
Cos they already know yer
Gm/Bb Am , G
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Дата: 19-04-2016, 11:20, Добавил: Aurondel, Раздел: Иностранные
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